
News / Firm News

China IP Protections Nutshell Videos


At the end of 2015, the Canadian Consulate invited and interviewed Beijing East IP’s professionals for a series of comprehensive and valuable IP Q&A videos, which aimed to provide useful tips to Canadian SMEs to enforce their IP rights when doing business in China!

Dealing with Patent Infringement in China

Video keywords: finding patent infringement, conducting customs recordation for patent rights, legal actions against patent infringement.










Why Register Invention Patents in China

Video keywords: two choices to protect non-patent eligible inventions in China, risk of being sued for patent infringement, alternate patent protection options​.











Trademark Protection Best Practices

Video keywords: customs recordation in China, recordation of assignment, legal actions taken by Chinese authorities, risk of being sued for trademark infringement.











How to Discover Trademark Infringement in China

Legal Actions Against Infringements in China

Other Actions to take Against Trademark Infringer in China

Video keywords: three actions against trademark infringement, five actoins against selling of counterfeit products, choosing preferred jurisdiction, claiming compensation from the infringer, sending a cease and desist letter in China.
